About this blog

I am a NASM certified Athletic Trainer and Nutritionist. Entrepreneur, Baker, Athlete, Mom, Wife and a Mormon.
I created this blog to share fitness advice, workout tutorials, delicious recipes, favorite products and more...

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Snow Day = Shoveling!!!

Is it snowing where you are?! It has been snowing here since very early this morning. I LOVE snow. I love the season, and all of the fun you can have in the snow. I am an avid skier, and I am very lucky because I married my best friend who is also an avid skier. So you could say we are a little excited for this awesome snow storm. 
My hubby had to leave for work a little early and so he was not able to shovel. That was good new to me, don't tell him that. Growing up, me and my grandpa would shovel all of the time and I loved it. Now about 20 years later, I still do. I love the thinking time, the quiet time, and most of all, the AWESOME workout it gives you. If you actually put your back into it you get an amazing burn!!! So, with the snow coming down as hard as it is, I decided to give you guys a shoveling workout!!! So get on your snow coats, boots, hats, and gloves and grab your shovels.. Go have some fun!!!  

AWESOME FACT: If it is cold out side, and you are doing an activity such as shoveling, walking, running, or sledding, you body has to work a lot harder to keep you warm so you are actually burning almost double the calories you would on a warm sunny day!


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