About this blog

I am a NASM certified Athletic Trainer and Nutritionist. Entrepreneur, Baker, Athlete, Mom, Wife and a Mormon.
I created this blog to share fitness advice, workout tutorials, delicious recipes, favorite products and more...

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Whitney "Before" Pictures

It's been exactly 3 months since I gave birth to our first son. So I am very excited to start this challenge to try and get at least a little tone back.

Here are my "Before" Challenge pictures.
Don't laugh! I took off my make up and got all ready for bed after a VERY LONG day/week. One full of emotional crap, painful root canals, super awesome mouth infections, and I realized I forgot  to take some "before challenge" photos. But really, can you blame me? Even if you do, please don't tell me. I might just start crying. I am tired, got thrown up on and am not feeling my greatest.
 So this is what "no motivation" and "emotional wreck" looks like.
Embrace it!!! 
Starting weight: 116 lbs
Can't wait to start the challenge tomorrow after work!!! 


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