I don't know about you, but I am sore!!!
Day #3 for the Challenge is going to be a crazy total body burner. I know for sure that I will be burning within the first few minutes. Blah.. Here is to getting back in shape!
35 Bicep Curls
(Stand feet shoulder width apart, arms at sides, with weights in hand, curl arms up to chest. Release slowly, and let arms down to sides again. Repeat)
35 Half Way Bicep Curls
(Stand feet shoulder width apart, arms at sides, with weights in hand, curl arms up to chest. Release slowly, and let arms down to sides again. Repeat)

50 Alternating Bicep Curls
(Stand feet shoulder width apart, alternate arms medium speed in curling motion)
100 High Knees
(Standing w/ feet shoulder width apart, in a jogging motion, bring one knee up high at a time, alternating)
100 Butt Kickers
(Start with standing feet shoulder width apart, in a jogging motion, exaggerate the foot hitting your butt)
50 Bicycles
(Sit on ground, bring arms up behind head, feet 6" off the ground. Bring shoulders to knees, alternate)
50 Russian Twists
(sit on floor, legs together, with weight or no weight, twist from side to side)
25 Pike Crunches
(lay flat on back, bring legs straight up in the air, with arms in air, crunch up and try to touch toes)
1 minute Plank w/ leg lift
(in plank position, leave both hands on ground and lift one leg up. hold for 1 min. alternate)
20 Squat Jumps
(in low squat position, arms in the air, and jump. repeat)
1 minute Plank w/ Arm and Leg Raise
(in plank position,
20 Squat Kick Out's
(start in low squat position, push up and kick out left leg. flex foot)
20 Squat Kick Out's
(start in low squat position, push up and kick out right leg. flex foot)
20 Downward Dog Kick Out's
(Start in downward dog position, kick out right leg, point toe. Bring leg back into chest. Repeat. Finish 20, and switch legs.)
50 Pilate Ball Crunches
(start with lower back on ball, hands behind head, crunch up using ab muscles. slowly lower back down to starting position)
25 Plank Hip Raises w/ pilate ball
(start with feet on ball, in plank position, crunch in your hips while you raise your hips as high as you can. hold at top, and slowly lower back down to starting position)
25 Squats
(feet shoulder width apart, bend knees, keep heels on ground, and stand back up)
20 Standing lunges
(standing in one place lunge with one leg then switch to other leg)
60 Sec wall sit
(lean against wall like you're sitting in a chair, dip lower for a better workout)
20 Weighted Sumo Squats
(with legs and feet in second position, hold out weights in front of you, squat)
25 First Position Plies
20 Frog Jumps
(get into frog position, jump up straight as high as you can. repeat)
60 Second Plank
20 Pushups (girl or normal)
Childs Pose
(stretch out)
60 Sec Left Side Plank
60 Sec Right Side Plank
20 Alternating Leg Grabs
(Start by laying flaton your back, bring feet 6 inches off ground, lift head and shoulders off ground, alternate bringing your legs up and grabbing mid calve. keep feet off ground and abs engaged)
60 Seconds 6 inches
(lay flat on back, arms by your sides, head lifted off ground a bit and feet 6 inches off ground. hold position)
25 Bent Leg Abs
(Alternate by going to center, right side and left side)
60 Sec First position heel raises
(start in first position, plie, and raise heels like you're wearing your highest high heels)
45 Second weighted T's
(grab weights, hold them out straight, keep arms tight, hold for 45 sec)
15 Weighted Arms
(start in weighted T position, bring arms in to center)
15 Butterflies
(starting in weighted T position, bend forward and bend elbows and bring up to a fly position)
25 Pike Crunches
(laying flat on ground, put feet in air, hands behind head and crunch up towards knees)
100 Crunches
(lay flat on ground, feet on ground, knees bent, hands behind head, crunch up)
20 V Abs
(feet in air, V position, crunch up to center, release and bend knees. repeat)
Repeat Circuit One more time. Stretch out really well afterwards.