About this blog

I am a NASM certified Athletic Trainer and Nutritionist. Entrepreneur, Baker, Athlete, Mom, Wife and a Mormon.
I created this blog to share fitness advice, workout tutorials, delicious recipes, favorite products and more...

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New year... 2014 resolutions

It's kind of crazy that we are starting a new year...A new chapter of our lives. When I woke up this morning and walked into the kitchen and saw my little calendar blocks say: 'January 1' by instinct, I had to get a pen and paper and write down my goals for this year. 

I want you all to do the same thing. really think about what you want to accomplish this year. Whether it be something big, or a lot of small things.. Just make some goals and stick to them. 

Some of my goals are: 
-Workout more
-Run at least 1 half marathon
-Show Cruz the beach
-Spoil my boys
-Serve others as often as possible

cheers to a new year!


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