About this blog

I am a NASM certified Athletic Trainer and Nutritionist. Entrepreneur, Baker, Athlete, Mom, Wife and a Mormon.
I created this blog to share fitness advice, workout tutorials, delicious recipes, favorite products and more...

Friday, January 3, 2014

Lean it, Tone it

I am so dang excited about starting out a new year. I have high hopes, dreams and goals for this year. 2013 will be a hard year to beat, but I can't wait to see what this year has in store for me and my little family. 

So what better than to start the new year off with a killer workout?! 

Equipment you will need is: 

A 10 lb kettle bell.

2- 2lb weights

And a stop watch/fitness watch

Once you have all of your equipment ready, find a wide open space to set the equipment, stretch out a bit and let's get to it!


1 min jumping jacks
1 min wood chops with kettle bell 
1 min alternating lunges
30 sec high knee runs in place 
30 sec tuck jumps
1 min REST
1 min right side plank
1 min center plank
1 min left side plank
100 crunches
1 min Russian twists
30 sec REST
1 minute plank
100 crunches
1 min 6" abs
30 sec REST
1 min speed skaters
1 min sumo squats
30 sec tuck jumps
30 sec REST
1 minute jumping jacks
1 min V-Ups
1 minute mountain climbers
100 crunches

And to get a higher calorie burn, add an extra 30 minute jog or cycle ride



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