Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The journey to Fit

After having a baby, my body changed. Changed in so many ways. Any woman that has ever had a baby knows exactly what I am talking about. I have always been in good shape, very athletic and fit. I have always considered myself a strong person. Mentally and physically. But after the belly bump, and the birth of my gorgeous son, I had absolutely no tone, no muscles, no nothing. I was SOFT, and definitely very far from physically strong! Something I've never been. So now that I am clear to workout and my son is a little older I have made it a goal that I get my muscle tone back. And not only get it back fast, but get in the best shape I've ever been in. My heaviest weight I got to in the pregnancy was 146. I gained 34 lbs in the pregnancy. Which was not bad. And I actually gained most of the weight in my first 2 trimesters. The last trimester I only gained like 7 lbs. When I hit the 37 week mark I started loosing weight again which I thought was odd, but I wasn't mad about it. :) When I finally went into the hospital to have my baby, I weighed in at 144. After giving birth, I weighed myself after when everything slowed down that night, and I had lost another 10 lbs. Considering all of the fluids they pumped into me, I was pleased with the number I saw. But, a couple weeks after that is when I truly learned the truth about numbers and fitness... They mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! At my 6 week post pardom appointment I thought I hadn't lost much because of the way I looked and felt. Well, I weighed in at 122 lbs. It was then and there that I learned for myself how different fat looks than muscle. And it doesn't just look very different, but it feels so very different. I did not look fit and I did not feel fit. I started to look like the "skinny fat" you hear about. And me being me, I said that is NOT happening. So that is why I am starting to blog about my fitness journey after baby. I want to show you that it is possible to look and feel like yourself again after baby, and that you CAN eat what you like and eat what you want, workout and still get the body you desire, if you work for it.

One thing I miss so much about being a personal trainer is being able to hear success stories and see the transformations. I would absolutely LOVE it if you all joined me on this journey and shared your own successes and progress with me while I do the same. I will be updating the blog weekly, sometimes daily to share workout routines, recipes, activities, products, gear, progress, motivations and so much more. I can't wait to start this amazing journey with you all, I hope you guys enjoy and join along.

So here it goes. I will start by posting some before, during and after pregnancy pictures, and tomorrow I will start documenting this journey. 

 August 2012
3 months before we got pregnant.
112 lbs

May 2013
30 weeks Pregnant
132 lbs

Sept 1. 2013
40 weeks pregnant
144 lbs

Sept 11 2013
1.5 weeks Post Pardom
131 lbs

Oct 27. 2013
8 weeks Post Pardom
121 lbs

Nov 23. 2013
10 weeks Post Pardom
116 lbs

The journey starts tomorrow. 
{Dec 4. 2014}
 I will start by writing down my daily workout, my motivation, my goals and everything that goes into achieving my goals. Here goes nothing. Can't wait to share this fun time with you guys and I hope you all join me in achieving some kind of fitness goal. 


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